Igneous petrologist

"Someone who studies the origin and composition of igneous rocks. Igneous are produced by cooling magma (deep underground) or by cooling lava (surface)."

Earth sciences

"The study of the earth. This science includes such disciplines as geology, geochemistry, geophysics, hydrogeology, geography, meteorology and looks at how they are all interrelated in order to more fully understand the nature of the entire earth."


"Round to oval, multi-shelled, igneous phenomena that can form in magma chambers, dikes and very occasionally, thick lava flows. They range from a few to 10’s of cm in diameter. The shells alternate light and dark reflecting the main minerals found there."

Comb layering

"Same type of crystallization as found in the orbicules but laid out in horizontal layers that look like ribbons. Outcrops can be up to 10’s of m long and up to 10 m thick comprising of some 1000-cm thick layers."